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Rabu, 14 April 2010



Sabtu, 07 November 2009

transition season

Climate in Indonesia for is currently in transition where the hot weather in the morning and cloudy like going to rain in the afternoon. it makes some areas menggalami dry season. some people complain because of lack of water resources.

we should be aware that some diseases are sometimes struck like prickly heat that occurs in children or dehydration. I suggest that augment drinking water for our bodies to get a lot of water.

Do not forget to channel the water around our homes at least cleaned once a month so there is no nest of mosquitoes and no cases of dengue fever which can cause death if the person is extremely deteriorated condition

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Typical art Samrah betawi

Nobody knows what it sanrah?? Samrah is a mix of music streams india, arab, and wither. This art on display in the middle of economic circles, so rare to find sngat else interested in the modernization of this era.

only a few major arts groups are shown. usually arts degree in samrah in marriage or circumcision pickles. although the committee would upset the preservation of art from samrah. so even though they remain unanimous determination to continue to preserve it in order not to lose.

Samrah music is already there and developed since the beginning of 1920 in Tanahabang area, Central Jakarta. In the show, about 10 people using several instruments flute, arkordion, violin, drum, tambourine, and bass betot. But over time, keyboard instruments are also incorporated. Singers and dancers plus a special costume memgunakan Betawi.

We can not give specific samrah Betawi arts should continue in planned. must continue to preserve the existing art. later we will achieve success, for example bnyak tourists will come to Indonesia. Indonesia will get income from foreign tourists to improve facilities and infrastructure existing culture.

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

Tourism Indonesia

Indonesia country wide and diverse so many trials that whipping from home and abroad. was fitting for us to watch. past news reported that Noordi M line was dead. it is proved that the Indonesian police did not settle.

Bombing of the past should naturally be pelajara for all people in Indonesia. do not let the terrorist leader dead we become lenggah and is likely to be born terrorists and destroy the other Indonesian tourism.

As a result of the bombing that occurred not just around merugikanbagi communities but also affect the image of Indonesia as a peace-loving country and tourism will be affected Indonesia.

Organic vegetables & Fruits
For several years the organic fruit and vegetables from the lyrics of some people. community began looking for organic materials in some malls because the material is still rare to find in traditional markets. people also know the importance of healthy food for our bodies. offer price in organic materials still is quite expensive in Indonesia.

Eat something healthy can not be in a short period of time should be on consumption for months or even years in order to enjoy it. Organic vegetables & fruits do not contain or have kimiaei processes or materials or sintentik like peptisida other chemicals, even some of our farmers to inject the hormone to the vegetables or fruits to progress more quickly.

Actually we can take advantage of the natural peptisida around us to purchase menggurangi burden. natural fertilizers eg cow dung, goat if the fuel could become a natural fertilizer. although from the outside will result in gain for the first time not so good but will gradually improve.

Organic vegetables & Fruits

Organic vegetables & Fruits
For several years the organic fruit and vegetables from the lyrics of some people. community began looking for organic materials in some malls because the material is still rare to find in traditional markets. people also know the importance of healthy food for our bodies. offer price in organic materials still is quite expensive in Indonesia.

Eat something healthy can not be in a short period of time should be on consumption for months or even years in order to enjoy it. Organic vegetables & fruits do not contain or have kimiaei processes or materials or sintentik like peptisida other chemicals, even some of our farmers to inject the hormone to the vegetables or fruits to progress more quickly.

Actually we can take advantage of the natural peptisida around us to purchase menggurangi burden. natural fertilizers eg cow dung, goat if the fuel could become a natural fertilizer. although from the outside will result in gain for the first time not so good but will gradually improve.

Masyarakat Desa

Secara umum kita mengenal adanya perkotaan dan pedesaan. kita tahu bagaimana sikap dan prilaku masyarakat kota, masyarakat kota lebih cendrung terbuka dalam segala hal, bahkan persaingan di daerah perkotaan sangat ketat. namun untuk masyarakat desa masih mejunjung nilai-nilai yang mungkit di daerah erkotaan sudah di lupakaan. perkembangan yang terjadi saat ini sudah banyak memperngaruhi prilaku masyarakat perkotaan.

Ciri masyarakat desa:
Sederhana adalah salah satu sikap masyarakat desa. mereka memang sudah di biasakan hidup dalam kesederhanaan. baik dalah hal ekonomi maupun kehidupan sosial serta budaya menyombongkan diri.
Menjunjung tinggi sopan santun. prilaku masyarakat desa sangat berbeda dengan masyarakat kota. sikapnya begitu sopan apabila berhadapan dengan pejabat, orang tua, atau orang yang berekonomi lebih.
sikap kekeluargaan masyarakat desa sangat besar seperti sudah tersimpan di dalam hati sanubari mereka. masyarakat kota juga masih menghargai sikap kekeluargaan mereka.
Dan masih banyak lagi hal -hal mengenai masyarakat desa yang masih belum terungkap.